We know you'll love our schools.

Our school year has started virtually and with that, all of our schools visits (both webinars and tours) will be accessible exclusively online. As a network, we are choosing to view this challenging moment as an opportunity. It’s an opportunity to live our values, to use technology in new ways and to foster innovation and creativity. Our commitment to our students remains unwavering, even during this difficult time.

So what exactly should you expect in the webinar and tour?


In the webinar, you will watch a pre-recorded presentation from a school leader. You will learn about academic programming, school culture and our Core Values, extracurricular opportunities, and how each school will support your student to achieve their dreams.


On a virtual tour, you will view our community spaces, classrooms, and other key points in our building. You will learn about each space as you virtually explore our school building.

We understand the desire to see our schools in-person, and if that opportunity becomes available, we will notify everyone who has viewed our virtual visit materials.  So, we encourage you to sign up below to receive digital school visit materials in your email inbox!

Watch our On-Demand Webinar and Virtual Tour

While you wait to download your virtual school visit...